Kuwait City, Kuwait
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 29.378586, 47.990341.
One of the richest cities in the world, Kuwait City (مدينة الكويت) is the capital and the heart of Kuwait. It is located on the Persian Gulf and is considered one of the most developing and safest cities in the Middle East, as well as the whole world. The city can be found in the northwestern corner of the region of Eastern Arabia. Kuwait City is overlooking the Bay of Kuwait and has a large coastal line estimated to be about 36 miles long. The total area of the city is about 80 square miles. The city is located about 40 miles away from the border between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and about 55 miles south of the border between Kuwait and Iraq. The distance between Kuwait City and Basra is about 100 miles, and the distance to Riyadh is close to 380 miles.
The city is situated in a beautiful natural harbor that has quite deep waters and allows many large ships to land in the city's port. The average elevation of Kuwait City is estimated to be close to 1,000 feet and mainly the residential areas of the city are located along the seaside. There are also 9 islands that are included in the city area, but most of those are uninhabited. The eastern part of the city's coastal areas are facing the Persian Gulf and are covered by numerous oil platforms. The central part of Kuwait City has a few close neighborhoods like Abdullah al-Salem, Shamiya, Shuwaikh Residential, Mirqab, Bnied Al-Gar, and others. Far outskirts towns and districts of the city include Jeleeb Al-Shuyoukh, Salmiya, Al-Adan District, Jeleeb Al-Shuyoukh, Sulaibikhat, and other residential areas.
Where is Kuwait City, Kuwait on Map?
Road map of Kuwait City, Kuwait shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Kuwait City, Kuwait
Kuwait City, Kuwait Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Kuwait City, Kuwait is 29.378586, and the longitude is 47.990341. Kuwait City, Kuwait is located at Kuwait country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 29° 22' 42.9096'' N and 47° 59' 25.2276'' E.
Country | Kuwait |
Latitude | 29.378586 |
Longitude | 47.990341 |
DMS Lat | 29° 22' 42.9096'' N |
DMS Long | 47° 59' 25.2276'' E |
UTM Easting | 790,260.20 |
UTM Northing | 3,253,648.93 |
Category | Cities |
Country Code | KW |
Zoom Level | 12 |
Coordinates of Kuwait City, Kuwait is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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