Constellation Locations
Constellation is an American sci-fi psychological thriller television series created and written by Peter Harness. Starring Noomi Rapace, Jonathan Banks, James D'Arcy, Michel Diercks, Lenn Kudrjawizki, William Catlett, Sandra Teles, and Carole Weyers, the series was released by Apple TV+ on February 21, 2024. It follows the story of Jo who has returned to Earth after a disaster during her mission and finds parts of her life are missing. Constellation was shot in various countries, such as Finland, Morocco, and Germany. The Baikonur scenes were filmed at Aéroport Errachidia.
Inari, Finland. Photo by Ozgu Ozden on Unsplash.
Where was Constellation Filmed?
Constellation was filmed in Aéroport Errachidia, Berlin and Inari.
The complete list of the locations with latitude and longitude coordinates are listed below in the table.
Constellation Locations Map
Constellation Locations Table
Location Name | Latitude | Longitude |
Aéroport Errachidia | 31.943821 | -4.400584 |
Berlin | 52.521515 | 13.347397 |
Inari | 68.889366 | 26.680704 |
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