After Life Locations
After Life is a British black comedy-drama web TV series created, executive produced, directed by Ricky Gervais. The series premiered on 8 March 2019, on Netflix. It follows Tony, whose life is turned upside down after his wife dies unexpectedly from breast cancer. It stars Ricky Gervais, Tom Basden, Tony Way, Diane Morgan, Mandeep Dhillon, David Bradley, and Kerry Godliman. After Life received positive reviews from critics and viewers. The series was shot in Hampstead, Beaconsfield, Hemel Hempstead, Rickmansworth, and Camber Sands in East Sussex.
Camber Sands. Photo by Claire Leach on Unsplash.
Where was After Life Filmed?
After Life was filmed in 65 Flask Walk, Beaconsfield Old Town Registration Office (Autumnal Leavees Care Home), Camber Sands, High St, Hive Coffee Shop + Night Cafe, Jordans Antique Centre, Oundle, St Mary & All Saints, The Tambury Gazette, Vale of Health (Tony’s House) and Villa Bianca.
The complete list of the locations with latitude and longitude coordinates are listed below in the table.
After Life Locations Map
After Life Locations Table
Location Name | Latitude | Longitude |
65 Flask Walk | 51.557743 | -0.176006 |
Beaconsfield Old Town Registration Office (Autumnal Leavees Care Home) | 51.600548 | -0.635941 |
Camber Sands | 50.932564 | 0.795291 |
High St | 51.759693 | -0.472345 |
Hive Coffee Shop + Night Cafe | 51.758377 | -0.471877 |
Jordans Antique Centre | 51.759644 | -0.472285 |
Oundle | 52.480679 | -0.469631 |
St Mary & All Saints | 51.601421 | -0.637309 |
The Tambury Gazette | 51.759563 | -0.472416 |
Vale of Health (Tony’s House) | 51.562260 | -0.176460 |
Villa Bianca | 51.555653 | -0.177612 |
Recent Comments
Ricky Gervais, my man! We love you! Keep up the good work ;)